Monday, September 27, 2010

Where did the summer go....?

  Well, I see its been three months since I last wrote in here.   Looking back, to see where the summer has taken me.    Spent most the summer working on the fence, the garage, and learning patience with people, when things seem to take way too much time.

I think during the summer, I kind of focused on trying to get these things done, and I let everything else lapse.  Like keeping up communication with my dearest friends, and not working on other things that are just as important...  like the books I've started to write, songs I hope to publish someday too.

Was thinking of how old I am going to be my next birthday, which I don't want to broadcast, but feeling like maybe it's just too late to finish or even start some of those dreams in my heart.   Maybe even feeling a little sad about that.  This morning the LORD reminded me, its not too late, its never too late, so I actually found myself getting one of the books out I'm writing, and thinking ok, going to work on it again!  That's a start.  At least I've gotten it out.

 Missing my mother tremendously.  Tried to have a garden this summer.  The first one without her.  It did my soul good to dig, plant, water and see everything growing. Since I lost her last fall, that was a tumultous time for me, just losing her.  Now that things have settled a little bit, I realize she really is gone.  Feeling pretty lonely....

 And now need to focus on what's ahead, and what the LORD has for me now.  One of my books is "Treasures in the Garden".  That's what I got out again today to work on.....  

So here I go......

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Transition Zone

Was flipping through a devotional I have from DICK MILLS: I was on my way to look at June 3, and saw for April 4 this devotional. To those of you going through a transition...

Revelations 3:7,8 "These things says He who is holy, HE who is true... He who opens and and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.... See I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it... "

"Think about the scene, behind you is a door which the LORD has closed. You know you cannot go back. There is nothing to go back to.. In front of you stands a door to new opportunities, new challenges, new ministry, new spheres of influence, a whole new future. In this transition zone, in which you find yourself, the door to the past is sealed shut, but the door to the future is not yet opened. You know the LORD is leading you to make the forward move. You know it is time to progress. But both doors remain securely closed.... There are all kinds of indications that the new door will open, but so far you are at a standstill. What is expected of you in this situation?

You must maintain a good level of trust in your God. This is not time to oscillate, fluctuate or vacillate. This is the time to be reassured that the same LORD who closed the old door behind you will also open the new door in front of you. His leading you into the transition zone is not a sign of abandonment, but of His confidence in you and of your need of confidence in Him. Remember, He did not bring you out to desert you, He brought you out in order to bring you in. (Deuteronomy 6:23)"

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tribute to Mom

Each soul is a beautiful flower that passes from this earth only to bloom again in Heaven's garden.

(I love this picture of Mom and of course my wonderful brother, John).

Friday, April 2, 2010


This song changes me!
 Oh Hallelieuah!
Jesus Culture:  



Some coin fear by saying its "False Evidence Appearing Real".   Maybe it's really just a fact in your life.  You have a scary diagnosis, you're facing financial ruin or you're afraid you're going to lose something or someone.   Fear comes to the door to most of us.  Sometimes, when we let it in, it sets up it's home and stays awhile.  Then we begin to "live" with it.   The only way we can combat fear is through the LORD, and His promises to us in His Word.  

Fear can paralyze you, traumatize you, keep you from ever getting out and doing anything for the LORD, for yourself, for others.   Fear can keep you in prison, like a captive chained to a post.

We are all growing in the LORD, right?  A fear cropped it's ugly head again, and then I realized that ok, I can either live with this ugly thing, or I have to deal with it once and for all..   (Take the bull by the horns).

Jeremiah 23:29  "Is not my WORD like fire, says the LORD?  And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces."

Maybe fear is like a big rock or boulder in your life, it's so huge, you can't move it at all.  But God's Word can break it into pieces.  Fear is really based on a root thought or thoughts.   So to dismantle fear in your life, you have to replace the thoughts that give you fear with God's WORD, full of promises and deliverance and hope and victory!  Maybe the situation won't change in  your life right now, but God, and His WORD can give you the strength and wisdom to go through it.

So, today here is the scripture that I've camped on to, to get me to blow up this stronghold of fear in my own life...

Jeremiah 29:11  "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Click Happy Day!


Intimacy With The Lord

     I always get it goofed up.   The LORD wants to spend time with me, just the way I am.  Just as I love His Presence, He loves my presence.  Somehow, I am always thinking I've fallen short, or missed it.  That keeps me thinking I can't even enter in....   There's always some underlying feeling, that no matter what I do, I still don't do everything right...   But that's just it....  His sacrifice and His death on the cross, has PAID the price for me.  I couldn't do enough anyway, and when I have totally blown it, He's already made the provision.  When I feel I missed it or something, there's forgiveness.  I can come boldly into His throneroom, to the throne of GRACE.  His arms are always wide open.   OH HAPPY DAY!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Doves...

On February 26, 2010,  I was looking out my kitchen window at the apple tree, and there flew a dove...

I watched for a while, and realized she/he had been nesting. Then another dove flew into the nest. Now two, I thought, that I can watch this family of doves right from my kitchen window.... oh spring is coming, thank you Lord for new life, little baby doves, hope...

I think this is a gift from the LORD, for all I've been through this past year, losing my mother.... It brought to mind that scripture...Song of Solomon 2:10... Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away, for lo the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtle DOVE is heard in our land.

Song of Solomon 2:14.... O my dove, in the clefts of the rock. In the secret place of the cliff... let me see your face, let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely..

Today, as I "post" this to my blog, I think, how lovely is the LORD, let me see HIS face, let he hear HIS voice...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Getting the "I" out of everything....

I realize that I start my ideas with "I". "I" am going to do this or that, "I" want this or that. "I"'ve decided on something. I see my lack of prayer about most things. I'm changing my way of deciding and handling of matters. Instead of me putting "I" to start off the sentence, I put "Lord", what do you think about this..... "Lord" should I do that? Proverbs 3:5&6 "Acknowledge the Lord in all yours ways, and He will direct your paths." So, I know even before I get my motor running, even before I turn on the engine, I gotta put Him in the picture...Allow Him to sit in the "Driver's" seat, give Him the reigns, let Him direct me. He definitely has a plan, an agenda, if I am not careful, I can just go running off in the wrong direction. It's so easy to do..........

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Having to Wait

I'm pretty calculating. I do alot of research and investigation before I finally decide on the exact thing I want. Then I can hardly contain the excitement for that thing. But with the LORD in the picture, I have to wait for HIS ok..... And lately He seems to be making me wait and wait and wait. I've actually gone ahead of Him before (more than a few times) at a cost (ouch).. But then I head back to the gate (like the horse) waiting for the signal. So LORD, my eyes, are glued on You, waiting for your nod. Help me not to get so excited about something that I race ahead and don't wait on YOU!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Simple but elegant...

Sometimes the simplest things in life are the most elegant.....

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Slow Down

Sometimes you just have to slow down, before life passes you by.....

Friday, February 26, 2010

Take a Closer Look

Life is beautiful, you just have to stop and take a closer look....