Friday, June 4, 2010

The Transition Zone

Was flipping through a devotional I have from DICK MILLS: I was on my way to look at June 3, and saw for April 4 this devotional. To those of you going through a transition...

Revelations 3:7,8 "These things says He who is holy, HE who is true... He who opens and and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.... See I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it... "

"Think about the scene, behind you is a door which the LORD has closed. You know you cannot go back. There is nothing to go back to.. In front of you stands a door to new opportunities, new challenges, new ministry, new spheres of influence, a whole new future. In this transition zone, in which you find yourself, the door to the past is sealed shut, but the door to the future is not yet opened. You know the LORD is leading you to make the forward move. You know it is time to progress. But both doors remain securely closed.... There are all kinds of indications that the new door will open, but so far you are at a standstill. What is expected of you in this situation?

You must maintain a good level of trust in your God. This is not time to oscillate, fluctuate or vacillate. This is the time to be reassured that the same LORD who closed the old door behind you will also open the new door in front of you. His leading you into the transition zone is not a sign of abandonment, but of His confidence in you and of your need of confidence in Him. Remember, He did not bring you out to desert you, He brought you out in order to bring you in. (Deuteronomy 6:23)"